“Crossing the River & Climbing the Mountain”
By Rob Wilson

"The Wisdom of a Cowboy: Crossing the River and Climbing the Mountain, is a treasure chest of rare jewels of wisdom, gathered by Rob Wilson during a trek, in the high desert of Arizona, “Crossing the River and Climbing the Mountain” and throughout the challenges of his life. Rob shares the wisdom that he's gleaned from his experiences in the life of a cowboy, using metaphors to illustrate for the reader how the aspects of a cowboy's life hold deep knowledge for all. From being the Gun fighter in your own life to the fast paced life expanding adventures of the Pony Express Rider. This is a book to savor, as one would a rich and satisfying meal of many courses of delicious, nutritious food - in this case the food is wisdom for the soul. Each chapter, each page offers a multitude of thought-provoking examples of how one's inner life is reflected in the outer world. At the end of each chapter, Rob offers the reader three energizing affirmations and three penetrating questions to empower those seeking to know their own inner wisdom. The real question to ask yourself here is your sunrise gallantly over flowing with blessings everyday in every way for you. For a real Life expanding adventure this a must read for everyone. Rob Wilson is a NLP Practioner – Hypnotherapist.
This book is published by InnerCircle Publishing and is available at: www.innercirclepublishing.com and www.cowboy-wisdom.com
Review by: ZZ Troutski
Very interesting blog